
The structure and governance of OCF are defined in the foundation’s statutes.

OCF’s Board of Directors (BoD) manages the foundation and is responsible for its legal and financial well-being. The current Directors are:

  • Martijn de Hamer (NL), Treasurer
  • Miroslaw Maj (PL), Secretary
  • Silvio Oertli (CH), member ex officio
  • Don Stikvoort (NL), Chairman

Except the chair of the TF-CSIRT Steering Committee who is an ex officio member of the BoD, all other directors are appointed by OCF’s Board of Commissioners (BoC). The BoC also has the task of strategic and financial overview. Three BoC members are appointed by OCF’s partners and founding fathers; three other members are elected by the TF-CSIRT community. The current Commissioners are:

  • Gorazd Bozic (SI), elected February 2023
  • Cristine Hoepers (BR), elected February 2023
  • Hans Petter Holen (NO), appointed by RIPE NCC
  • Baiba Kaskina (LV), elected February 2023
  • Klaus-Peter Kossakowski (DE), appointed by OCF’s founding fathers
  • Klaas Wierenga (NL), appointed by GÉANT

Finally, the TF-CSIRT Steering Committee (SC) is responsible for running TF-CSIRT and its services, like Trusted Introducer, the tri-annual community meetings and TRANSITS. The SC is elected by the TF-CSIRT Community. For its members click here.

BoD, BoC and SC positions are all without financial reward: only relevant out-of-pocket expenses can be compensated.